Murray Ford of Starke

Archive for 'Ford Service' Category
Jan 27, 2023

Smells, noises, and how your Ford feels and responds when you drive can tell you there’s something wrong with your brakes. The signs below are warnings to get a brake repair from your Ford dealer ASAP to ensure that your Escape, Expedition, F-150, or other Ford is safe on the road.

Dec 21, 2022

With a healthy transmission, shifting gears should be smooth and effortless. If you ever feel or hear something strange when shifting, you might be in need of transmission repair. Here are four indications of transmission trouble to look out for. If you experience any one of them, visit your nearest Ford dealer for repairs before […]

Nov 14, 2022

Your vehicle’s battery provides the power to start your car and powers everything from the ignition system and computer to the windows and lights. When a battery is weak or failing, you will notice all sorts of issues. Here are telltale signs that’ll warn you when it’s time to visit your Ford dealer for a […]